msu libraries lifestream

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February 9th
8:19am Voices of Science: Lava and Change sound
8:17am Telemetry:What Lies Below (Episode 6) sound
June 6th
June 2nd
12:00pm Brood XIX cicadas 240602 1 (Ambisonic) sound
June 1st
12:00pm Brood XIX cicadas 240601 1 sound
April 25th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/25/24_1 sound
April 21st
April 20th
12:00pm Bozeman 5/20/24_1 sound
April 18th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/18/24_1 sound
April 16th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/16/24_1 sound
April 15th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/15/24_1 sound
April 12th
April 8th
April 7th
April 6th
April 3rd
April 2nd
March 31st
March 29th
March 28th
March 24th
March 23rd
January 23rd
12:00pm Bozeman 1/23/24_1 sound
January 3rd
12:00pm Bozeman 1/3/24_1 sound
September 11th
12:00pm Bozeman 9/11/23_5 sound
September 7th
12:00pm Bozeman 9/07/23_8 sound
August 30th
12:00pm Bozeman 8/30/23_3 sound
August 29th
12:00pm Bozeman 8/29/23_1 sound
August 28th
12:00pm Bozeman 8/28/23_2 sound
July 11th
12:00pm Bozeman 7/11/23_1 sound
June 16th
12:00pm Bozeman 6/16/23_1 sound
June 5th
12:00pm Bozeman 6/5/23_1 sound
May 25th
12:00pm Bozeman 5/25/23_1 sound
May 19th
12:00pm Bozeman 5/19/23_1 sound
May 18th
12:00pm Bozeman 5/18/23_1 sound
May 17th
12:00pm Bozeman 5/17/23_2 sound
May 12th
12:00pm Bozeman 5/12/23_1 sound
May 1st
12:00pm Bozeman 5/1/23_4 sound
April 28th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/28/23_2 sound
April 27th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/27/23_2 sound
April 26th
12:00pm Bozeman 4/26/23_2 sound
December 5th
November 28th
October 15th
October 10th
September 28th
12:00pm Canada Geese over Tuckerman Park sound
September 15th
12:00pm Bozeman 9/15/22_2 sound
September 13th
12:00pm Bozeman 9/13/22_1 sound
September 9th
12:00pm Bozeman 9/9/22_1 sound
September 6th
12:00pm Bozeman 9/6/22_1 sound
July 12th
12:00pm Vibrations of a tree in the Pando aspen clone sound
July 11th
12:00pm The sound of aspen leaves in the pando aspen clone (220711) sound
July 10th
12:00pm Pulling bark off a dead stem in the Pando aspen clone sound
May 7th
March 28th
12:00pm Sandhill cranes at Rowe Sanctuary arrival (extended) sound
March 27th
12:00pm Sandhill cranes at Rowe Sanctuary morning takeoff (extended) sound
March 5th
December 6th
December 2nd
November 27th
November 22nd
November 11th
November 6th
September 22nd
12:00pm Sounds of a controlled burn in prairie habitat in Western Washington sound
September 8th
August 26th
August 13th
12:00pm Flies buzz near Copper Lake sound
June 28th
June 12th
June 8th
12:00pm Brood X cicadas in the morning during light rainfall in Indiana (binaural) sound
June 7th
12:00pm Brood X cicadas in the late afternoon in Indiana (binaural) sound
June 1st
May 30th
12:00pm Bats return to Bracken Cave 1 (ambisonic) sound
May 29th
12:00pm Bats emerge from Bracken Cave 2 (ambisonic) sound
May 28th
12:00pm Thunderclap near Bracken Cave (binaural) sound
May 27th
May 15th
May 10th
April 13th
April 11th
12:00pm Geese arrive at Swans Mill Pond sound
March 23rd
12:00pm Pacific chorus frogs (ambisonic) sound
March 14th
12:00pm A kingfisher at Swans Mill Pond sound
March 6th
February 26th
February 15th
January 22nd
January 11th
November 30th
November 13th
November 5th
October 26th
12:00pm Thousands of crows at the Uninversity of Washington Bothell sound
October 10th
12:00pm Light rain and thunder north of Seattle (binaural) sound
September 24th
August 30th
12:00pm Light wind through leaves sound
August 29th
12:00pm Unidentified bird squawk at Swans Mill Pond sound
August 18th
August 15th
August 7th
July 30th
12:00pm Sol Duc Falls in Olympic National Park (binaural) sound
July 28th
July 19th
April 24th
12:00pm Quiet birds during the pandemic sound
April 12th
12:00pm Woodpeckers knock during the pandemic sound
October 12th
12:00pm Paddling a canoe on Lake Washington sound
September 25th
12:00pm Peregrine Falcon sound
September 7th
12:00pm Thunderstorm in Seattle sound
August 15th
12:00pm Tufted puffin vocalization 2 sound
August 14th
12:00pm Lesser wax moth wing beats sound
May 24th
12:00pm Short-eared Owl sound
May 23rd
12:00pm House Wren sound
May 22nd
12:00pm Wilson Phalarope at APR Pond sound
May 21st
12:00pm Boreal Chorus Frog sound
May 5th
12:00pm Birds at dawn near the Bonneville Shoreline Trail sound
September 22nd
12:00pm Unnamed Feature, New in 2018 sound
September 21st
12:00pm Unnamed Feature, New in 2018 sound
September 17th
12:00pm Steamboat Geyser Excerpt sound
August 15th
12:00pm Rainstorm in the Pando Forest sound
August 8th
12:00pm Bison sounds during the rutting season (ambisonic) sound
August 1st
12:00pm Thunder at Elkhorn Crossing (180801) sound
July 31st
12:00pm Bison rut sound
June 14th
12:00pm Crystal Creek (ambisonic) sound
May 26th
12:00pm Quiet morning in Moonflower Canyon (ambisonic) sound
March 4th
12:00pm Percheron horse snorts and walking in snow sound
September 19th
12:00pm Pikas at Brownie Basin sound
September 16th
12:00pm Kilauea Lava Lake sound
September 15th
12:00pm Interview with William Wyckoff on the subject of the influence of weather on Ivan Doig sound
September 13th
12:00pm Kilauea Lava Lake sound
August 20th
12:00pm Horses and mules at the Bowman Trailhead in Oregon sound
August 19th
12:00pm Red digger at Brownie Basin sound
August 1st
12:00pm Great plains toad release calls sound
July 24th
12:00pm An unidentified mammal runs through the brush sound
July 23rd
12:00pm Julia Short playing the pump organ sound
July 22nd
12:00pm Interview with William Glasser on the subject of a moonshiner named Bobby Wells sound
July 12th
12:00pm Sandhill crane sound
July 11th
12:00pm Thunder sound
July 10th
12:00pm Thunder sound
July 9th
12:00pm Western wood-pewee sound
July 8th
12:00pm Wilson's snipe sound
July 7th
12:00pm Thunder sound
July 5th
12:00pm Red squirrel calls (170705) sound
June 17th
12:00pm Wind and meadowlarks along Bellview Road sound
June 16th
12:00pm Windy Creek sound
June 8th
12:00pm Reburn: The Maple Fire Story (Telemetry, Episode 4) sound
June 6th
12:00pm Prairie birds (ambisonic) sound
June 5th
12:00pm Prairie wind and birds at dawn sound
June 4th
12:00pm Whistling wind in a tree grove sound
June 3rd
12:00pm Crickets in a ravine on the American Prairie Reserve sound
May 31st
12:00pm Dry Fork APR sound
May 30th
12:00pm Prairie Songbirds APR sound
May 29th
12:00pm Cottonwoods Morning Enrico APR sound
May 28th
12:00pm Enrico Cottonwood Dawn sound
May 27th
12:00pm CM NWR Evening Wind sound
May 26th
12:00pm American Prairie Reserve sound
May 24th
12:00pm Moose sound
May 21st
12:00pm Wind on the prairie (170521) sound
May 20th
12:00pm Predawn soundscape on the praire (170520) sound
May 19th
12:00pm Prairie dawn (170519) sound
May 18th
12:00pm Wilson's snipe sound
May 15th
12:00pm Sandhill crane sound
May 13th
12:00pm Wilson's snipe sound
May 11th
12:00pm Vesper sparrow sound
May 10th
12:00pm Moose at Pebble Creek sound
May 9th
12:00pm Vesper sparrow sound
May 8th
12:00pm Wind Through the Trees sound
May 7th
12:00pm American Robin sound
May 6th
12:00pm Uinta ground squirrel sound
May 4th
12:00pm Ring-necked pheasant calls (170604) sound
April 21st
12:00pm Spring in the Markworth State Forest (ambisonic) sound
April 18th
12:00pm Great Fountain Geyser sound
April 9th
12:00pm Sage thrashers call along Umptatum road (ambisonic) sound
April 4th
12:00pm Golden Eagle sound
April 1st
12:00pm Smoky Jungle Frog sound
March 30th
12:00pm CR Tree Frog sound
March 22nd
12:00pm Squirrel sound
March 21st
12:00pm Squirrel sound
March 20th
12:00pm Squirrel sound
March 13th
12:00pm Pacific chorus frogs in Issaquah, Washington (170313) sound
February 23rd
12:00pm Coyote Howls Echo at Blacktail Pond sound
February 10th
12:00pm Telemetry: One Fish, Two Fish (Episode 2) sound
October 7th
12:00pm Rain and distant elk, Grand Teton National Park sound
September 25th
12:00pm Interview with lighthouse keeper Susan Hunt on the subject of New Dungeness Lighthouse sound
September 19th
12:00pm Distant thunder sound
September 14th
12:00pm Common Loon and Elk bugles, Yellowstone National Park sound
September 13th
12:00pm Bull Elk bugling, Yellowstone Lake, afternoon sound
September 12th
12:00pm Bull Elk bugling, Yellowstone Lake, evening sound
August 27th
12:00pm Ferry horn in Washington sound
August 26th
12:00pm Northern red-legged frogs in Olympic National Park sound
August 25th
12:00pm Woodpecker drum in Olympic National Park sound
August 19th
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2:51pm photo picture
2:51pm MayDay 2 picture
August 15th
12:00pm Green toads at Martin tank (ambisonic) sound
August 14th
12:00pm Western green toads (excerpt) sound
August 6th
12:00pm Tidepool at Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, Californa sound
August 5th
12:00pm Waves on the shore of Yellowstone Lake sound
July 31st
12:00pm Olympic marmot calls sound
July 16th
12:00pm Crickets and coyotes at Trinity Base Camp on the morning of July 16, 2016 sound
July 15th
12:00pm Wind near Stallion Gate at the White Sands Missile Range sound
July 14th
12:00pm Insects at White Sands National Monument sound
July 5th
12:00pm Birds at dawn near Ear Mountain (excerpt) sound
July 4th
12:00pm A horse galloping around a microphone (ambisonic) sound
July 3rd
12:00pm Interview with rancher Ron Jones on the subject of grizzly bears in Dupuyer, Montana sound
July 2nd
12:00pm Birds at Freezout Lake (ambisonic) sound
July 1st
12:00pm Interview with Vicki Beck on the subject of a postcard from Ivan Doig sound
June 30th
12:00pm Thunder in Broadwater County, Montana sound
June 26th
12:00pm Grizzly Bear breaking bones on bison carcass sound
June 25th
12:00pm Lazuli Buntings, Yellowstone National Park sound
June 24th
12:00pm Grizzly Bear feeding on bison carcass sound
June 15th
12:00pm Birds near Ringling, Montana (ambisonic) sound
June 14th
12:00pm Sheep passing through a gate (ambisonic) sound
June 13th
12:00pm Interview with Gene Gudmundson on the the subject of the history of the hot springs in White Sulphur Springs sound
June 12th
12:00pm The Stockman Bar in White Sulphur Springs (ambience) 2 sound
June 8th
12:00pm Coast mole sound
June 7th
12:00pm House mouse trapped by a cat sound
June 5th
12:00pm Waves along Dungeness Spit (ambisonic) sound
May 20th
12:00pm Grizzly bear vocalizations sound
May 9th
12:00pm Williamson's Sapsucker drumming sound
May 7th
12:00pm Long-eared Owl, Yellowstone National Park sound
May 6th
12:00pm Thrush, Yellowstone National Park sound
May 5th
12:00pm Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellowstone National Park sound
April 24th
12:00pm Song sparrow and robins sound
April 3rd
12:00pm Pacific Chorus Frogs chorus and encounter calls sound
March 27th
12:00pm Rain in the Markworth State Forest in Washington sound
February 8th
12:00pm Telemetry: To Catch a Loon (Episode 1) sound
January 31st
12:00pm Canary Spring at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park sound
January 19th
12:00pm The sound of Ivan Doig's typewriter sound
January 11th
12:00pm Gray Wolf howling, Yellowstone National Park sound
January 3rd
12:00pm Waves at Hobuck Beach sound
October 18th
12:00pm Elk bull and cows, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park (excerpt) sound
August 29th
12:00pm Ring-necked pheasant at night sound
August 28th
12:00pm Crickets at night at the National Bison Range (0002310) sound
August 25th
12:00pm Ruby Beach open beach (0002330) sound
August 14th
12:00pm Sparse thunder with rain in western Washington sound
August 12th
12:00pm Thunder in western Washington (0002349) sound
July 20th
12:00pm Water moving through moulin, Root Glacier, Alaska sound
July 18th
12:00pm Water melting, flushing through moulin, Root Glacier, Alaska sound
July 3rd
12:00pm Crows in western Montana sound
July 2nd
12:00pm Northern Flicker and other birds in western Montana sound
July 1st
12:00pm Weasel (Montana) sound
June 30th
12:00pm Richardson's ground squirrel call sound
May 31st
12:00pm Sea otters feeding at the Seattle Aquarium sound
May 24th
12:00pm Gators sound
May 20th
12:00pm Plains Spadefoot Toads and Boreal Chorus Frogs Yellowstone National Park sound
April 25th
12:00pm Pig, S Leopard, S Cricket Frog sound
March 29th
12:00pm Mud Volcano roaring, Yellowstone National Park sound
March 23rd
12:00pm Old Faithful Geyser (0002203) sound
March 22nd
12:00pm Scissor Springs Geyser sound
March 21st
12:00pm Vixen Geyser erupting sound
March 15th
12:00pm Grizzly Bear eating sound
March 13th
12:00pm Bison grazing near Gibbon Meadows sound
February 13th
12:00pm Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park (2495) sound
December 27th
12:00pm Squeaky snow at 13 degrees Fahrenheit sound
November 16th
12:00pm Old Faithful geyser, Yellowstone National Park sound
November 13th
12:00pm Mud pots, Artist Paint Pots, Yellowstone National Park sound
November 2nd
12:00pm Small creek in Madera Canyon sound
November 1st
12:00pm Madera Canyon at night on November 2nd, 2014 sound
September 28th
12:00pm Bull elk sparring sound
August 30th
12:00pm Mission Creek, National Bison Range (Montana) on August 30, 2014 at 09:15AM sound
August 29th
12:00pm Juvenile Bald Eagle sound
August 20th
12:00pm East Fork Lostine River Trail (Oregon) hillside near meadow sound
August 19th
12:00pm East Fork of the Lostine River (Oregon) at 10:00AM sound
August 18th
12:00pm Yellow-bellied Marmot near Moccasin Lake (Oregon) sound
August 17th
12:00pm Yellow-Pine Chipmunk near East Fork Lostine Trail (Oregon) sound
August 13th
12:00pm Barking Tree Frog sound
August 12th
12:00pm Pig Frog sound
August 7th
12:00pm In a Rut sound
August 2nd
12:00pm Blue Angels (fighter jet), 18 seconds sound
July 31st
12:00pm Bison grunts, Yellowstone National Park sound
July 28th
12:00pm Yellow-bellied Marmot, Bridger Bowl Ski Resort (Montana) sound
July 27th
12:00pm Trumpeter Swans, Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge (Montana) sound
July 26th
12:00pm Cottonwood grove at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge (Montana) July 26, 2014 at 8:35 PM sound
July 19th
12:00pm Oak Toad sound
July 16th
12:00pm Scotch Broom pops after heating on stove sound
July 13th
12:00pm Train near Richmond Beach (Washington) sound
July 12th
12:00pm Eelgrass at Padilla Bay (underwater sound) location 2 sound
July 8th
12:00pm Aspen grove in Killyon Canyon (Utah) at 06:20AM sound
July 7th
12:00pm Killyon Canyon (Utah), July 27, 2014 at 11:45PM sound
June 12th
12:00pm Southern Cricket Frog sound
June 8th
12:00pm Wyoming ground squirrel at Moretenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge (filtered) sound
June 7th
12:00pm Grasshopper sound
June 6th
12:00pm Wind at Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge sound
June 5th
12:00pm Wyoming Toads at Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge excerpt (0002362) sound
June 2nd
12:00pm Wyoming Toad sound
May 30th
12:00pm Wyoming Toad sound
May 20th
12:00pm Ruffled Grouse drumming sound
May 19th
12:00pm Possible Mountain Beaver vocalizations sound
May 9th
12:00pm Snipe Hunt sound
May 5th
12:00pm Wilson's Snipe in flight sound
May 1st
12:00pm Mud pots, Fountain Paint Pots, Yellowstone National Park sound
April 21st
12:00pm Townsend's Big-eared Bat (0002245) sound
April 12th
12:00pm Townsend's Big-eared Bat sound
March 22nd
12:00pm Creek near Cascade Lake, Orcas Island (Washington) at 04:18PM sound
March 17th
12:00pm Little Grass Frog sound
February 27th
12:00pm Southern Cricket Frog sound
February 22nd
12:00pm Southern Cricket Frog sound
February 21st
12:00pm Little Grass Frog sound
February 11th
12:00pm Winter Wolves sound
January 22nd
12:00pm Bats echolocating in January near Olympia, Washington sound
January 21st
12:00pm Wolves howling, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park sound
January 16th
12:00pm Red Fox (distant), San Juan Island National Historic Park (Washington) sound
January 15th
12:00pm Bald Eagle at San Juan Island National Historic Park (Washington) sound
January 14th
12:00pm Robin at San Juan Island National Historic Park (Washington) sound
December 26th
12:00pm Coyote vocalizations, Urban Coyote Project (0002161) sound
December 17th
12:00pm Singing Lake sound
December 16th
12:00pm Ice freezing, Yellowstone Lake sound
October 19th
12:00pm Steamboat Geyser, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park sound
October 12th
12:00pm Southern Leopard Frog sound
October 11th
12:00pm Gopher Frog sound
September 8th
12:00pm Western Small-footed Myotis (Bat, 0002250) sound
September 3rd
12:00pm Little Brown Bat (0002252) sound
August 31st
12:00pm Hoary Bat sound
August 30th
12:00pm Western Small-footed Myotis (Bat) sound
August 29th
12:00pm Little Brown Bat sound
August 17th
12:00pm Big Brown Bat (0002247) sound
August 8th
12:00pm Yuma Myotis (Bat, 0002254) sound
August 7th
12:00pm Pacific Beach waves at low tide sound
August 6th
12:00pm Yuma Myotis (Bat) sound
July 28th
12:00pm Great Plains Narrow-mouthed toad sound
July 27th
12:00pm Green Toad sound
July 26th
12:00pm Great Plains Toad sound
July 25th
12:00pm Couch's Spadefoot Toad sound
July 24th
12:00pm Sonoran Green Toad sound
July 23rd
12:00pm Red-Spotted Toad & Couch's Spadefoot Toad sound
July 20th
12:00pm Coyote vocalizations, Urban Coyote Project (0002159) sound
July 18th
12:00pm Big Brown Bat sound
June 5th
12:00pm Mazama Pocket Gopher whimpering and scratching sound
March 19th
12:00pm Tarahumara Frog sound
March 18th
12:00pm Tarahumara Frog sound
March 17th
12:00pm Black Toad Party Night sound
March 16th
12:00pm Amargosa Toad, Chorus Frog sound
January 31st
12:00pm Puerto Rican Coqui sound
January 24th
12:00pm Koke'e, Kaua'i soundscape sound
August 18th
12:00pm Coyote vocalizations, Urban Coyote Project (0002165) sound
July 26th
12:00pm Chiricahua Leopard Frog sound
July 25th
12:00pm Chiricahua LF underwater sound
July 24th
12:00pm Canyon Treefrog, July 24, 2012 at 12:00 AM sound
December 31st
5:00am Interview with Janie Zieg on the subject of Ivan Doig sound